Harmonizer Pendants

Gold Vermeil pendants are temporarily sold out.

Please contact us if you're interested in purchasing a Harmonizer Pendant. Be sure to specify which one you prefer: Sterling Silver or Gold Vermeil (18k gold plated Sterling Silver).

"I've been wearing my silver AMAG pendant nearly every day since 2010.  Mostly, I notice it when I DON'T have it on!  It brings a positive sense of balance and security to me." ~ Jen Embody, Denver

"I've been on a long, slow journey from self-loathing to self-acceptance, compassion and appreciation, and finally self-love. This last step seemed almost impossible for a compulsive caregiver. Then my Harmonizer Pendant arrived and I've been wearing it day and night. It feels like the heavy energy has lifted and it's easier to return to self-love when the old habits kick in. The pendant doesn't magically carry me up the mountain, but it helps me enjoy the hike and treasure the views along the way."  ~ S. D. Montana, USA 

Photograph of an Albatross courtesy of JayaVision.com.